10 May 2006

Win One for Christ

a piece in salon about the christianization of sport.

i've always hated the way many pro athletes, while being interviewed after a game, give thanks to jesus or christ or whatever deity they think helped them to victory. to me, it smacks of unbelievable selfishness -- the idea that god helps a person score a touchdown and sign million dollar contracts but won't intervene in the death of a homeless person from overexposure. it's crap.

i have no problem with religion as a private practice. but the second pro sports team take public financing to build their stadiums, they should not be allowed to promote any sort of religion over any other. if teams want to continue this practice, then we can end their exemption from antitrust laws and take away their public financing.

ask my brother about the pressures he felt to join the fellowship of christian athletes after a conservative god-fearing man moved to our town and became coach.

and check out how dumb dumb dumb this sounds:

"As Seattle defensive back Michael Boulware put it: 'It's about Jesus Christ ... and what he did on the cross. That's what I'm really here for -- to advance His kingdom, not just win a game.'"

what a load.


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