15 June 2006

In Which I Adopt the Discursive Practices of a Teenage Girl

like, omg, like today at lunch i totally saw billy with his arm around that skank lauren. like ew. she's not even like, pretty, or like, you know? what does he see in her? like i almost went up to her and said, like, hey skank-slut, you're so not good enough for billy. he's like amazing, and you're like -- your hair is like flat and it's so obvious you don't color it. ohmygod. slut.

history class is like so kicking my ass right now. like, my dumb-bitch teacher expects us to like, memorize these like random facts about famous people and like what they did. god. it's like useless. my dad is a lawyer and he says that like he doesn't use random facts or history and that like we should just learn stuff to help us be all mareketable.

so like can you believe britney has a new man? he's like better than fed, but like kinda chunky. so is britney i guess but like, she could like have anyone she wants. i think the baby is so cute though and he looks like he'd be an amazing father. that's so important, like to have a father.


Sanjiv Gajiwala said...

seriously, you are deranged. get help. Now.

Anonymous said...
