14 June 2006

President Bloomberg?

muy provocative.

to be honest i quite like the guy. i'll list my reservations first: a life-long liberal democrat, he switched to the republican party in 2001 just to get elected. that kind of opportunism is on display when he gives campaign donations and other help to southern republicans who are anti-choice, support the NRA, and want to abolish social security. he also allowed pataki and the national republican party to co-opt NYC for the 2005 repugnantican national convention.

now, why i like him: he's a social and economic liberal (in the liberal democracy mode). he's anti-NRA. he's pro-choice. he supports charter schools and school reform but not the funding of religious schools with federal money. he understands that government should be streamlined and efficient, but at the same time an advocate for the people. he's not crazy on taxes -- understands that a progressive income tax is the best way to ensure a measure of egalitarianism.

in a word, he's a mensch.

i'd vote for him -- but only if he left the republican party.

1 comment:

Sanjiv Gajiwala said...

i could not. only because i would not want to add to the self inflated image of new yorkers. Same reason i won't vote for hillary.