i don't see how tomorrow can go any way but the democrats' way.
i really don't.
it's like this: there is no way, even if you've been only half-way conscious since the late nineties, that you can't look at tomorrow and vote ACROSS THE BOARD for democrats (give or take a sensible republican or two -- judy rell, the connecticut governor, and lincoln chaffee, the rhode island senator). the republicans have had six years of near total power and look what it has wrought: the top 10% of earners are running away with more and more of the country's wealth than at any time since the 1920's; we're spending $11M an hour on a war that has killed nearly 3000 U.S. service persons, maimed tens of thousands more, and killed more than 100,000 iraqi civilans, and when we leave we will do so not having implanted a democracy in the middle east but rather having created the world's largest breeding ground for terrorists; scientific thought and research are under siege, so much so that scientific theories like evolution, which is recognized as legitimate BY THE POPE, have come under increasing fire; religion is being not only pushed but downright funded by the federal government; our schools are falling farther and farther behind the rest of the world in math and science; a woman's right to do what she wants or needs to with her own body at a time of her own choosing for her own reasons is being curtailed at best and repealed at worst in almost every single state in the union; essential government services have been gutted or privatized or both, simultaneously; i could go on and on and on.
i don't see how, if you're an honest conservative, you can vote for any of the republicans currently running for office--unless, that is, you're not really a conservative but simply a partisan republican and only care about winning and enacting discriminatory social policy. it's amazing to me that roughly half the voting population is willing to cast for this class of thugs, who are neither small-government nor sensible nor pro-family nor adept at protecting our homeland. they care not for democracy or the future of our republic.
these corrupt, unprincipled, undemocratic, unamerican politicians and their cronies are ruining this country.
tuesday brings a chance for renewal.
i am hopeful that tonight is the last night i go to bed under the spectre of the hostile mediocrity towering over this great nation.
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