14 April 2007

Suck Me, Google

google is a big-brother piece of crap.

since i began this oft-lauded blog (my mommy thinks it's good), i resisted google's whorish attempts to seduce me into creating an account with them. ok, so they're already capturing every key-stroke i make in the confines of this blog -- and probably everywhere else, for that matter. but i've got to be one of the last like six people alive without gmail.

but this evening while logging on i didn't notice that the devilish blogger replaced its standard log-in with a link to creating a google account -- which, oh by the way, migrates one's entire blog into google and forestall's any further google resistance.


stupid really smart computerizers.


Anonymous said...

google accounts totally sucks. they ask the same fucking things again and again and in the end you get nowhere except ripped off for your e-mail address and a decent password. eat the corn out of my shit you tracking-cookie monster.

Anonymous said...

Good post.